The innovative Gerrard Paschke created nice beer lamp

Gerrard Paschke thought of a great way to use the openers of beer cans. With just one big can of many openers, wood and a good idea, he made a nice ​​beer table lamp.

The Intouchables - Movie that will fill you up with positive energy

Rich quadriplegic needs a male who’ll take care of him. Guy from the projects comes to this interview just to get a signature that proves that he has been on the interview, in order to get money from the welfare.

Why you should drink beer

Drink beer, it is healthy!

5 Awkward moments

Awkward moments you face in real life.

Good guy J.J Abrams

The director of Mission Impossible 3, Star Trek and Super 8, J.J Abrams impressed the movie world. He fulfilled a wish of a dying fan.


Shows we recommend - Louie

If you are in search for a TV series, then stop! We recommend you the original, unique and amazing comedy series created by Louis C.K - Louie.

Louie has 3 season and the 3rd season ended on 27th of September. The show is a combination of stand up comedy from Louis C.K and parts of his every day activities. Mostly he takes care of his daughters, but now, because he is divorced, he also is trying to date some girls.

"Louie" already won Emmy for Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series for the episode "Pregnant" (which is hilarious). Also, Louis C.K was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series in 2011.

The show is written in such a original manner that it will left you stunned. You must know that there will be some weird and ugly jokes, but this Louis C.K so you know that he speaks about everything. There are some guest stars from which the most I liked the performance from Ricky Gervais. Look it up in the video I selected and this will be a little preview for Louie. I think this will describe what the whole show is about.

So what you waiting, grab a beer and enjoy the show! :)

Why you should drink beer

I love beer. Beer is one of the best refreshing drinks. Also it relaxes you when you are nervous and it is very healthy. Yeah, you read good, beer is very healthy! This is stands, of course, if it is consumed reasonable.

Beer is rich with water, vitamins, minerals and other elements. Beer also contains vitamin B group, especially B1, B2, B3, B6, then magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. Beer is also rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and antioxidants. Beer positively affect blood circulation and blood pressure and the amount of sugar and fat in the blood. It has been proven that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, particularly heart attacks, blood clots and increased amounts of cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

The beer has a particularly positive effect when it comes to disease and disorder in the functioning of the urinary organs. Also it acts as an antiseptic and as a diuretic, that stimulates the secretion of urine and thus reduces the number of bacteria. Beer has always been used as a home remedy in case of inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, as well as difficult and painful urination. According to this, the beer not only that alleviates kidney stone problems but also prevents or reduces the risk of their occurrence.

Beer act positively and encourages good mood, relaxes, reduces tension, anxiety and stress, so between positive effects is also the reduced risk of depression. Glass or two of quality beer is not supposed to give extra weight to those who keep their line because, contrary to popular belief, beer can't make you fatter as it contains no fat and has fewer calories than milk. Actually no alcoholic beer is the ideal fitness drink for those who are performing some form of physical exercise.

You should never forget that the beer is healthy only in reasonable quantities, while excessive amounts of beer and every alcoholic beverage is not good, but harms the body, primarily the liver, pancreas and stomach.

So, what you waiting for, grab a beer and enjoy.

When the DJ suddenly plays your favorite song in the club

The Intouchables - Movie that will fill you with positive energy

One of my best friends told me to watch this movie as fast as I can. He also said that The Intouchables is one of the best movies he ever saw and that it is a "must watch movie". I said "Ok man, ok! I'll watch it."

Bank Joke

Mike received a call from the company. They told him that they send him money on his bank account. So the next day Make called the bank in 8 am:

"Good Morning, this is Mike. Are there any money in my account?"

The bank officer checked the account and says:

"Yes, mister Mike, there is money on your account."

So Mike continued calling every hour saying the same:

"Good Morning, this is Mike. Are there any money in my account?"

At 4 pm Mike called again. The bank officer went mad. He yelled to Mike:

"Yes Mikeee, there is money on your bank account. Stop calling me!"

Mike smiled and calmly said:

"I just wanted to show you, how it feels when you calling us 100 times about the credits."

Meanwhile in Africa

In tone ..